8 Examples of Peer Analysis Measures [INFOGRAPHIC]

Peer analysis can be a valuable tool to provide benchmarks and performance insight for your bank. However, in order to make the most of this analysis, banks must first identify the right measures to use. In what areas should comparisons be drawn? Are all of the appropriate metrics being used? These are just some of the questions that bankers must ask themselves before being able to complete an efficient peer analysis review.

In his class, “Managing Bank Performance,” Paul Allen leads junior Graduate School of Banking students through the ins and outs of managing and measuring bank performance through ratio and peer analysis measures. Throughout the course, students study everything from bank balance sheets and income statements to commonly used ratios to case studies. Allen provides insight into the concepts, analysis tools, and strategies that will allow GSBLSU students to better understand and manage performance within their own institutions while also preparing them for the Bank Simulation Management course they will undertake as seniors.

The infographic below outlines eight examples of typical and useful peer analysis measures as outlined in the “Managing Bank Performance” class. If you are looking for insight into your own bank’s performance metrics, these areas are a great place to start. Likewise, a Graduate School of Banking education also brings great benefits to bankers and banks alike. Learn more about our upcoming session and how you can enroll at GSBLSU.

examples of peer analysis measures

Learning to Build Lifelong Business Relationships Through Sales

The sales cycle and process has evolved rapidly over the past several years.  Prospective clients and customers have more access to information than ever before.  This means that the way you approach them, along with their needs and wants must adapt.  Having the ability to identify where a prospect is in their journey, as well as having solutions that meet their pain points and desires is essential.  With this this understanding and strategy, you can develop a “sale” into a relationship that lasts a lifetime.  Financial advice, services, and products are the cornerstone of everyone’s hopes and desires.  Establishing a relationship on this front, no matter how substantial, can be grown.  However, finding, engaging, and growing these relationships is essential.  A simple conversation can evolve into lifelong and prosperous partnership between your institution and any number of clients.  Here are some key takeaways from Professor Jack Hubbard’s 2021 Graduate School of Banking class “Building Business Partnerships” that will allow your organization to foster the development of long-lasting business relationships.

Understand How to Prospect in Today’s Market

Building trust is the foundation of any relationship.  This becomes even more critical when personal and business finances are involved.  There are four pillars of trust-based prospecting.  The community approach, social approach, referral approach, and systematic approach all have their unique perspectives and designed intentions.

Leverage the Appointment Conversation Model

The appointment conversation model is designed to fill your pipeline and grow those relationships for future development.  This model begins with building trust and credibility.  You can achieve this by using the prospect’s name, thanking them for accepting your call, and ensure that they have time to speak.  Next, establish a previous touchpoint, it could be a conversation in the branch, a social media connection, or other common ground.  Third, differentiate yourself and your bank by creating curiosity about the different products and services you can offer.  Lastly, invite your prospect in for a face-to-face meeting.

Employ the Discovery Conversation Model

Your face-to-face conversations hold the most value in what you will be able to offer and grow with any current or prospective client.  Discovering how you can help is essential in how to drive the conversation.  The Discovery Conversation Model is designed to solve these challenges.  Similar to the Appointment Conversation Model, it begins with establishing trust and credibility.  Being up to speed on current market and economic factors, finding personal commonalities, and customizing your greeting and pleasantries can accomplish these tasks.  The second step is to frame the discussion you intend to have by stating the purpose, gaining their permission to proceed, and asking about any topics they’d also like to discuss.  Once engaged, you can explore any needs.  These needs can be discovered with context setting questions, insight-based questions, active listening, and effective transitioning toward solutions based on their answers.  The final phase is to address client concerns, explain the next steps, and confirm a commitment to move forward and collaborate.

4 Cs of Strategic Bank Marketing

In a conservative and commoditized industry that provides the marketplace with little choice due to product parity and regulatory restrictions, how do you make your bank stand out? Professor John Oxford helped the Freshman class of the Graduate School of Banking at LSU tackle this exact problem in his class, “Strategic Bank Marketing.” From marketing strategy and targeting to brand management, technology and budgeting, participants developed an understanding of modern bank marketing and took home fresh ideas and tactics on how to make their banks stand out in a sea of sameness. Among the chief takeaways were the four C’s of marketing: content, connection, conversion, and campaigns.

Content for Bank Marketing

In our modern world of digital marketing, content has long been crowned king. Consumers have quickly become accustomed to finding the answers to their questions and the solutions to their needs at their very fingertips. Now, it is up to us to provide those answers and solutions in ways that are both informative and engaging. Whether it’s a blog, video, podcast, or any other form of content, there are a few rules that should always apply. Content should be professional yet amicable, written in a style that informs the consumer but keeps in mind that the person on the other end is not a professional banker. Likewise, content should only be as long as it needs to be. Avoid relying on all the fluff, and provide true value.

Connection with Bank Consumers

Just as consumers can now find information more easily, bankers now have more options to make connecting with those consumers simpler. Today, there are multiple platforms designed specifically to allow you to reach your audience without all the waste. You no longer have to throw out mass messages on TV, billboards, or in direct mail. Rather, you can reach a targeted group of people who are either existing customers or who match the criteria typically seen in those customers with ease. Some products making that possible include MCIF (Marketing Customer Information File), Social Media Studio with Salesforce, and Pardot email marketing (also associated with Salesforce).

Conversion of Bank Prospects

Once you’ve reached your audience, the matter becomes how to successfully convert them. Just like online searches, online lead generation has grown exponentially over the past few years. Increasingly, consumers are foregoing telephone and in-person visits in favor of messaging and online interactions. By providing online solutions such as retail platform support, account opening/management, and an overall improved website experience, you can bank on increased conversions!

Campaigns for Marketing Banks

Combining all of these elements into successful campaigns with measurable success is the final step. When building a campaign around a specific product or service, you should be able to identify factors like the campaign creative, the product bio, your value proposition, your target audience, and exactly where you plan to reach them. Using digital methods, you can more accurately reach your ideal demographics in your ideal locations. Equally as important, you can use a wealth of tools to measure your campaign’s return on investment and ensure that valuable marketing dollars and efforts are not going to waste.

Bank Leadership in Times of Change: ADKAR [INFOGRAPHIC]

Change is inevitable. We all know it, and yet, so many seem reluctant to embrace it. Banks are certainly no exception. As time (and technology) marches on, many financial institutions seem to be stuck in the past, with initiatives of change often being met with resistance. Understanding the importance of keeping up with our fast-paced world, it is up to leadership to not only implement necessary changes but to take the steps needed to get their team on board. After all, initiatives are only as successful as the people behind them.

In his senior GSBLSU course, “Leadership in Times of Change,” Professor Stephen Robichaux engages students in an interactive learning process aimed at leading through times of crisis both present and future. As he explains in his breakdown of the ADKAR process, leaders need to do much more than simply inform employees that a change is going to occur. They must focus on communication, education, and reinforcement. The team must understand why this change is necessary, the consequences of not changing, and the benefits associated with the change. Then, leaders must ensure that they have the resources and knowledge needed for a smooth transition. Finally, reinforcement should be provided by monitoring the change process and ensuring that it is fully adopted.

bank leadership ADKAR

3 Approaches to Commercial Real Estate Financing [INFOGRAPHIC]

During their second year at GSBLSU, junior students have several elective courses from which to choose. These courses take a deeper dive into specific areas of banking and lending such as asset resolution and treasury management. One of these course offerings is “Commercial Real Estate Financing” by Professor Calvin Evans. Professor Evans earned his BBA in economics and his MBA with a dual concentration in real estate finance from the University of Georgia.

Throughout his one-week course, students focus on the state of the commercial real estate industry, the techniques that are used to analyze, finance, and structure successful real estate transactions, and the state of the current regulatory environment.

To begin, Professor Evans’ course takes a look at the principles of property valuation. Specifically, students will learn about three main approaches to commercial real estate valuation: development, sales, and cost. When determining final value, it will be paramount that lenders consider each approach that was used in the appraisal and apply all available data to their findings. A brief overview of each of the approaches as outlined in Professor Evans’ class is included in the infographic below.

Following the overview of property valuation, students quickly dive into the specifics of underwriting and lending for the many various types of commercial property from multi-family dwellings to retail establishments. In the end, students leave this course with a much more robust understanding of the detailed and multifaceted arena of commercial real estate financing.

commercial real estate financing

Developing Remote Relationships for Bankers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Remote work and virtual meetings used to be something bankers only engaged in occasionally. Often, these meetings were internal. We certainly weren’t accustomed to conducting client business via a web cam. However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this arena of technology has swiftly gone from a nicety to a necessity. Today, more than ever, it is vital to understand the best practices and to learn key skills when meeting with colleagues or clients virtually. It has become so important, in fact, that Professor Jack Hubbard now includes the topic in his GSBLSU freshman course, “Building Business Partnerships.”

During the class, Professor Hubbard reviewed what he calls “the forever normal” including several aspects of successfully developing remote relationships. He delved into technology and workplace considerations, holding successful bank to business conversations and leading the process effectively. In the infographic below, you will find eight takeaways from the class that you can immediately begin to implement on your own calls.

Looking to further your banking education and career? Graduate School of Banking at LSU program has extensive course offerings that cover every aspect of banking from the ground up. Our faculty is comprised of industry experts whose experience makes them uniquely qualified to provide the most thorough, well-rounded banking education possible.

remote work relationships


9 Tips for Using LinkedIn to Build Partnerships [INFOGRAPHIC]

With more than 750 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is the most ubiquitous business to business social channel available. As new students roll into the GSBLSU banking program, they may not realize the power of LinkedIn and how it can be a key component for ongoing relationship development. That is due in part of some myths of LinkedIn. They include:

  • It’s only for bankers seeking new jobs and for recruiters trying to pry them away from their current position.
  • It’s only for big banks located in large municipalities. Small businesses in small towns don’t use it.
  • It may get hacked and I don’t want my personal information available on the web.
  • I don’t have time to use LinkedIn with the many other responsibilities I have.

Jack Hubbard, our newest professor at the Graduate School of Banking at LSU, dispelled these fables as he provided some practical ways to use LinkedIn as part of his freshman course “Building Lifetime Bank to Business Partnerships.” Hubbard explained that LinkedIn has certainly not replaced other aspects of the sales process, he did opine on the importance of integrating this tool to engage with the marketplace, build value for your personal brand and provide a solid level of financial education (not product push) through a Thought Leadership approach.

To help make LinkedIn a seamless part of a banker’s day, Hubbard suggested a 3X5X15 approach. That means doing three things on LinkedIn that matter, five days a week that take 15 minutes to complete. That might include making three connections with prospects, clients, or referral sources. It may include sharing content in the banker’s feed or sending it in a private message to a key buyer. It could involve wishing someone a happy birthday or congratulating them on a promotion or an award won.

“LinkedIn is here to stay,” Hubbard suggested. “You can choose not to participate or to become active. If you are on but not engaged, it’s worse for your bank than not being on at all.”

building business relationships with linkedin


8 Components of Bank Valuation [INFOGRAPHIC]

Banks are establishments that represent value and worth. Everyone interacts with a bank at some point or another and typically on a frequent basis. While banking is defined as the business of accepting and protecting money owned by individuals and entities in order to lend these funds, earn a profit, and mitigate operating expenses, there are many factors at play that determine how a bank earns, grows, and maintains its value as a business. A bank’s valuation determines its ability to not only meet its obligations as a financial institution but its ability to perform at the highest level.

Some critical aspects that play vital roles in how a bank measures its value range from the quantifiable to the perceived.  Some examples of quantifiable metrics included earnings, asset quality, and capital.  However, other dynamics at play can greatly influence banks that don’t necessarily fit in a spreadsheet.  Some of these include the bank’s image in the community, the corporate culture for employees, and the ability to possess and evolve dominant strategies.  The infographic below, based on GSBSLU class “Managing Bank Performance” taught by Professor Paul Allen, outlines what should be considered when measuring and assessing the valuation of a bank.

bank valuation

Graduate School of Banking at LSU Announces 2021 Bank Management Simulation Winners

The senior class of the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University annually participates in the program’s Bank Management Simulation course.  This computer-based curriculum is specifically designed to recreate decision making and management scenarios in certain banking areas like funds management, investments, asset and liability management loans, and risk management.  This year students were able to travel to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to participate in the 2021 session.  Due to Covid restrictions on LSU’s campus, students stayed and studied at the Renaissance in Baton Rouge.

The graduating class is divided into teams for this simulation.  Each team is responsible for overseeing the operation of an $800 million bank, with effective management and profitability being the key focuses.  BMSim, the computer model on which this assessment is based, provides rapid feedback on future decisions that these students make for their hypothetical bank.  The critical considerations when making decisions in this simulation include: competition, regulatory constraints, and the current economy.

The BMSim condenses two year’s-worth of bank operations management experience into a two-week program.  The results of this program are examined by state and federal regulators on a quarterly basis. Upon course completion each team is graded on a variety of factors, such as: consistency, organization, earnings, their ability to report to shareholders, and ultimately how well their bank is positioned for future profitability and success.

The winners in each simulation are recognized, along with their home bank’s president and CEO with a letter and certificate of recognition honoring their outstanding work during the Bank Management Simulation.  We are pleased to share the team winners that were announced at graduation on June 2, 2021.

A1 Samuel C. McCord Merchants Bank of Alabama Cullman AL
A1 Samuel Jared McCullough First Commerce Bank Lewisburg TN
A1 Donald E. Quintana Hancock Whitney New Orleans LA
A1 Steven A. Rogers The Piedmont Bank Peachtree Corners FL
A1 Alicia M. Rudd Mid Florida Credit Union Ocala FL
A1 Jon-Michael Trimm Trustmark National Bank Ridgeland MS
A1 Ryan M. Waddle Peoples Bank Mooresville NC
B2 Ramsey R. Diament Hancock Whitney New Orleans LA
B2 Chad S. Hancock Bank of America Charlotte NC
B2 Cal Thomas Hodges BankFirst Brookhaven MS
B2 Michael J. Leonard Paragon Bank Memphis TN
B2 Alan Lunsford Kentucky Bank Richmond KY
B2 Rochelle Dawn Mallett JD Bank Westlake LA
B2 Kyle Stewart Morgan Crews Banking Corporation Lakeland FL
C5 Jeffrey Daniel Baker Mid Florida Credit Union Ocala FL
C5 David A. Brown Jr. Trustmark National Bank Huntsville AL
C5 Charles Warner Cannada Origin Bank Ridgeland MS
C5 Leanne Drapeza Hancock Whitney Bank Gulfport MS
C5 Ryan E. Haydel B1 Bank Houma LA
C5 Jonathan Henry Pope Exchange Bank Milledgeville GA
C5 Owen C. Shirk Fourth Capital Nashville TN
C5 Misha Jo Wilson Farmers National Bank Lebanon KY


9 reasons to attend gsblsu

4 Reasons to Manage Bank Performance [INFOGRAPHIC]

During the recent 2021 session of the Graduate School of Banking at LSU there were no students to be found walking underneath the stately oaks. Instead, most students attended their sessions virtually, watching via Zoom and engaging in discussion through chat panes and webcams. And, although they may have missed the in-person interaction with their classmates and festivities like the annual crawfish boil, they were still able to participate in insightful discussions and educational classes like Managing Bank Performance. This junior course instructed by Professor Paul Allen focuses on measuring and managing bank performance, using ratio and peer analysis and is a vital component in helping students prepare for their third year Bank Simulation Management course. The in-depth course includes an overview of a typical bank balance sheet and income statement, the definition and use of commonly used ratios, and uses case studies to illustrate how to evaluate bank performance.

Why do we provide this level focus on managing bank performance? There are certainly many reasons this particular aspect of banking is so important, but allow us to list four of the most impactful. Effective performance management is vital to:

  1. Assist in strategic planning
  2. Increase shareholder loyalty
  3. Provide a dependable source of new capital
  4. Improve bank valuation