Graduate School of Banking at LSU – Linkedin page

GSBLSU Linkedin

The Graduate School of Banking at LSU is pleased to announce the addition of our organization’s Linkedin page to the assets available to us for communication and dissemination of information with all interested parties.  We encourage all of our past, present, and potential students to connect with us on Linkedin.  The page may be accessed by clicking here.


We are currently taking applications for the upcoming session and would like all interested parties to please submit online applications to our Applications page under our Admissions tab or contact the office with questions.


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Welcome to the Graduate School of Banking 2013 Session

2013 GSBLSU session

The 64th session of the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University is officially underway!  It’s an exciting time as we get to see familiar faces, and welcome 180 new students to the program.  In total, there are 517 students participating in our program this year, and we welcome them all.

With one of the nation’s most thorough and challenging graduate banking programs available, all new sessions at GSBLSU bring great possibility for students.  In the past, more than 15,000 students have come through the program and have had associations with banks ranging from under $100 million to over $100 billion in assets.  The networking possibilities and knowledge gained lay the foundation for alumni to continue on to highly successful careers.

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Marketing Tips for Bankers: The 4 C’s of Strategic Bank Marketing

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on April 8, 2013 and has been updated for accuracy and relevance.

Banks are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay competitive and attract customers. Marketing plays a crucial role in this strategic approach. For banks to thrive in today’s market, they must adopt a customer-centric approach that goes beyond traditional methods. The 4 C’s of strategic bank marketing – Customer, Convenience, Communication, and Consistency – form a comprehensive roadmap for success in the ever-evolving financial sector.

Customer-Centric Bank Marketing

A deep understanding of the customer is at the heart of any successful bank marketing strategy. A customer-centric approach involves tailoring products and services to meet the diverse needs and preferences of the target audience. Banks can create personalized experiences that resonate with individual customers by leveraging customer data and market insights. This builds trust and improves customer loyalty.

To achieve customer-centricity, banks should invest in a robust customer relationship management (CRM) system, conduct regular market research, and actively seek feedback. Understanding the customer’s journey and addressing pain points can lead to developing targeted campaigns that resonate with the audience.

Convenience for Banking Clients

With time being a critical factor, convenience is a crucial aspect of customer satisfaction. Banks must prioritize user-friendly interfaces, seamless digital experiences, and efficient processes. The rise of online and mobile banking has shifted customer expectations, making it imperative for banks to provide accessible and convenient services.

Optimal bank marketing involves streamlining digital channels and application processes and investing in technologies like chatbots and artificial intelligence to enhance the customer experience. By prioritizing convenience, banks can attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Bank Customer Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy. Banks must establish clear and transparent communication channels to promote their value propositions, products, and services. This involves creating compelling messages that resonate with the target audience and utilizing various communication channels, including social media, email, and traditional advertising. Strategic bank marketing goes beyond one-way communication. It involves actively engaging with customers, addressing concerns promptly, and leveraging customer testimonials and success stories.

Consistency in Bank Marketing

Consistency in messaging and branding is critical for building a solid and recognizable bank identity. Customers should experience a seamless transition between various touchpoints, whether online, in-branch, or through customer service. A consistent brand image builds trust and helps customers feel secure in their banking relationships.

Effective bank marketing requires a cohesive approach across all channels, ensuring the messaging aligns with the brand values and resonates with the target audience. Consistency also extends to the delivery of products and services, creating a unified and reliable customer experience.

A Little Known Way To Attend Graduate School of Banking For Free

GSBLSU Scholarship Information

The Graduate School of Banking at LSU provides a one-year tuition free scholarship to each of the 15 state banker associations that sponsor the school and sometimes not all of the scholarships are awarded.  Several state associations give the scholarships to high-standing graduates of their state school.

Interested students are encouraged to check with their banking association in their state to determine if their scholarship has been awarded for the upcoming session.

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Graduate School of Banking at LSU News

Board of Trustees

Graduate School of Banking at LSU News.

At its annual meeting on October 11-12 in Point Clear, AL, the Board of Trustees of the School elected new administrative officers for two-year terms.  Elected President was John H. Jordan, President and CEO of the Community Bank of East Tennessee, Clinton.  John has served on the school BankSim faculty for many years and will continue serving the school in this capacity.  The new President-elect is H. Watts Steger, Chairman and CEO, Bank of Botetourt, Buchanan, Virginia.  Watts also serves on the BankSim faculty and will continue in that capacity.

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