GSBLSU 2016 Class Overview: Bank Regulatory Law

Bank_Regulatory_Law.jpegFrom freshmen to seniors, our GSBLSU students congregated on the Baton Rouge, LSU campus for a two week whirlwind of study during the 2016 session.  As usual, they found comradery, dynamic professors, and comprehensive class offerings.  Among the classes attended by our junior class was Bank Regulatory Law, led respectively by professors Patrick Long, Carl Chaney, John Heasley, and Robert Reynolds.

As an institution that proudly hosts students from diverse banking backgrounds, GSBLSU recognizes the need for those who may not occupy an executive suite to understand the fluid and dynamic marketplace that faces CEOs, CFOs, and senior vice presidents every single day.  Rather than simply knowing that changes are taking place above the ground floor, our students are learning why and gaining a higher-level perspective of the industry and decision making process.  Because, while those decisions may not be up to them, they weigh on the franchise at all levels.

Throughout the one week class, students will gain a greater understanding of current regulatory law, how strategic decisions are then made, and what the real world implications are for those at all levels within the industry.  Whether selling and buying a bank or remaining cognizant of cost of capital in their lending business, all banking professionals benefit from a thorough understanding of the regulatory environment.

Following the course, students will continue learning as they complete a home study problem consisting of 5 discussion essay questions to be researched and answered at their home banks. In the end, students will walk away from Bank Regulatory Law with a more complete understanding of the greater, overall industry and how its parts impact not only their bank as a whole, but their own, unique position.