Frequently Asked Questions

The requirement is that you have basic knowledge of accounting and economics, but your experience as a lender would meet the academic requirements.

Several universities may award academic credit to graduates. A major university awards 20% of the credits required for the MBA.

We are an intensive, general banking school. GSB requires two week resident sessions for three years and completion of five bank study projects between the first and second year. Our students invest over 400 study hours in order to graduate. Prior to coming, some prospects look at the time involved and are overwhelmed. However, our students and graduates tell us not to reduce the time or subtract from the curriculum.

The session is held on the campus at a time traditional students are not present. This time falls between the Spring and Summer term, which usually coincides with Memorial Day.

Some of the courses at GSBLSU may have the same or similar titles as courses in the state schools, but they are taught at a higher level and with greater expectations at GSBLSU.

It is not necessary to attend a state banking school prior to attending GSBLSU.

A college degree is not a prerequisite to attending GSBLSU.

Students at the school who find employment in other industries may complete the program.

The tuition covers all cost of instruction, housing, and meals at the session. Transportation to and from the session is the only cost not covered by the tuition.

A student in good standing may miss two consecutive sessions and return to complete the School.

Grade reports are sent only to the student enrolled. No one is informed of the students’ grades without his/her written instructions.

As a general estimate, approximately 20 — 30 hours is required to complete each project.

Academic Operating Policies

The Graduate School of Banking at LSU is an elite course of instruction and, as such, holds its faculty as well as its student body to a high standard of conduct and professionalism in order to foster a safe and enjoyable learning experience for everyone.

Below, you will find GSBLSU’s Academic Operating Policies, which outline certain expectations of all who are involved with the school.  It is fully expected that all faculty and students – both new and returning – have read, understand, and embrace these policies, and anticipate being held accountable to them.  Questions regarding these policies (or any portion, thereof) should be directed to Corinne Long, VP of Administration, or John Naughton, Executive Director.

AOP 01 – Professional Code of Conduct and Due Process

AOP 02 – Student Code of Conduct and Due Process

AOP 03 – Nondiscrimination Policy

AOP 04 – Academic Integrity Policy