Differences Between Leadership and Management [INFOGRAPHIC]

We’ve likely all had managers, and if we’re lucky, we’ve also had leaders. While the terms are often used interchangeably, the differences between these two individuals and their styles are vast. Under management, employees experience control, order, and generally less autonomy. There is less of a collaborative partnership between managers and those they oversee. Instead, it more closely resembles a traditional boss/worker relationship. Under leadership, employees work with their superiors, more so than under them. This is a relationship that thrives on encouragement, acknowledgement, and empowerment of team members.

While leadership may sound like the ideal option (and for many it is), the truth is that both styles have their place within any organization. Every person is unique, and while one may thrive under the autonomy of leadership, another may work best with the dedicated guidance of a manager. The key is to have the right personalities in the right roles. So, take note of those within your organization, how they prefer to work, and under which circumstances they perform best. Then, structure your teams accordingly.

This is just a snippet of the teaching of Steve Robichaux, MBA in his GSBLSU class, Leading Through Motivation.