Profile of a Leader

Bankers enrolled in the Graduate School of Banking have been identified by the senior management oftheir banks as individuals capable of assuming additional managerial responsibilities in the organization, and senior management thinks that investing in the student’s professional education is a sound investment for the bank.

The policies and procedures used by banks to identify candidates for future professional development vary widely but it is possible to focus on several characteristics that future leaders share.  The candidates have significant experience in working in the bank which has given senior management the opportunity to appraise their potential for assuming greater responsibility.  About 60% of the bankers have over six years of experience and about one-fifth have over fifteen years on the job.  The age of the leaders, of course, is coordinated with their experience and almost two-thirds fall into the 30-40 age bracket.

Academic education is also an important element defining the potential leader’s profile.  Almost two-thirds hold bachelor degrees and about one-fourth hold masters degrees.

Thus, the profile of a potential leader indicates that the individual has significant experience in the financial sector, has performed his duties and responsibilities efficiently, and has the educational background upon which to build the skills necessary for future leadership.