9 Important Reasons Banking Executives Should Attend GSBLSU

Graduate School of Banking at LSU

“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul” is a famous saying from Joseph Addison.  Education allows one to have a broader perspective and understanding of the world around them.  Education also brings one closer to external factors such as knowledge and skill, which will result in personal development in various levels and aspects of life.

So why is this important to a banking executive?  Personal development and growth in leadership skills can be crucial and key attributes to an individual’s advancement potential within a banking institution.  In today’s competitive environment, it is critical to stay ahead of the curve with your knowledge and because your career does not come with a guarantee, many banking executives are taking a proactive approach in their profession.

At many banks, the completion of the GSB program has become a prerequisite to professional advancement.  But, the banking institution does not want to simply send executives to GSBLSU for a session and a test and be done with their learning.  Rather, the banks are interested in real day training and application.  In another words, the top level banking officers want their executives to come back to their respective positions within the bank and apply the knowledge and skills learned.  By applying the skills and leadership learned from GSBLSU, the executive will be more equipped and knowledgeable, which will ultimately result in a substantial growth in the executives confidence level.  “A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle” is an applicable quote for the style of teaching and learning that takes place at GSBLSU.

Courses and bank study projects at GSBLSU are intense and challenging. During the resident sessions, bankers/students receive more than 200 hours of classroom instruction. Organized evening study, written examinations and bank study projects between resident sessions are an integral part of the School’s comprehensive program. So, it takes a certain personal discipline by the student to complete the courses.  The commitment made by the bankers who attend the Graduate School of Banking at LSU is significant. Time away from the family and the office is costly. But those who have the drive and determination to make it will gain a whole new knowledge that will set them apart from the rest of their peers in the banking industry.

For more information on admissions, the application process, or any other questions, please contact the office at 225-766-8595 or click here to be contacted by one of our office members.